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August 4
Story Walk ( read a book along the river) down at Riverside park.
Northern Exposure/Abby: Mommy and me, yoga & breathing
Kid's Corner at Eureka Farmer's Market: Nature scavenger hunt using your newly decorated canvas tote. Fun with bugs.
offers psychiatric referrals, interventions, and support for those providing care to people who are pregnant or in the postpartum period...
Linking Infants & Families to Support Services website facebook instagram
Free Food
The Food Bank is open for food boxes 12-2 pm on the 2nd and 3rd Thursday of each month. Mary Durham, (406) 471-2359 17 1st Avenue West,...
Community Resource List
Cabinet Peaks Medical Center has compiled a Community Resource List that includes individuals, organizations, and agencies that support...
Kid's Corner at Eureka Farmer's Market: Fun in the Garden: Let's decorate flowerpots and plant some flowers! It was a bright, sunny day,...
Maternal Mental Support
Congratulations! You're pregnant, or a new parent and there's so much to be excited about. This life event will forever change you....
Kara Minnis: Body Awareness, Dance Families moved, danced and played at the Creative Arts Center on June 9th. Kara Minnis, the director...
MAY 26
Nature and Soil: Seed Planting with Karin Lamb Karin Lamb showed us how fun it can be to find seeds in various flowers, vegetables and...
MAY 12
What happens when caregivers and kids enjoy free play? They spontaneously gather in small groups and chat and laugh while their children...
APRIL 28, 2022
Morgen Reynolds, supreme storyteller, shared tips on how to help children develop a lifelong love of books.
APRIL 14, 2022
We explored jumping, tumbling, and other body movement at the Creative Arts Center during our April 14th Family Strong Playgroup. We...
MARCH 24, 202
At our Thursday gathering we had several play stations set up for interaction between children, caregivers, and experts. Kelsey and...
FEBRUARY 24, 2022
Our Family Strong event on Feb. 24 was full of fun and information. The kids played games and the parents discussed dreams for our...
FEBRUARY 20, 2022
Sharing pizza and parenting tips, engaging in free play and creating a valentine, sums up the fun at our latest Family Strong gathering....
JANUARY 27, 2022
This gathering was all about FOOD. We started off with a quick talk about our own food traditions before moving to food resources in the...
Week of the Young Child
In Honor of "Week of the Young Child", Logan Health-Eureka is displaying some body tracings the children drew during our last Family...
JANUARY 13, 2022
We had a great turnout and enjoyed toys, activities, and homemade goodies while discussing the importance of literacy, books, and...
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